Join our VIP Club with a VIP Membership for only $100!
Savings of up to 15% off select services*
to the Spa Tru VIP Club
Join our VIP Club with a VIP Membership for only $100 for 12 consecutive months, from the date of purchase.
What’s Included?
- 10% off many select services – Call 1-844-477-2878 or email for the details.
- 10% off all Dermaesthetics Products, including online purchases.
- 15% off virtually all Aesthetics*, including facials, peels, massage, microneedling, dermaplaning, IPL ResurFX, and much more
*The Fine Print:
- VIP excludes all naturopathic services.
- Membership savings cannot be combined with any other promotions or specials.
- Memberships cannot be used for our signature package.