*Spa Tru Clinics is #1 in BC for Nuceiva and Teosyal Fillers
We are in the Top 25 in all of Canada!
*based on consumable sales from Clarion Medical
Results that can last up to 24 months.
The number one question asked about filler is the cost, and while some clinics may give you the price of a syringe, that doesn’t really help you because rarely do we ever do one syringe – we do anywhere from a single point, all the way up to over a syringe and multiple full syringes.
At spa tru clinics we customize for your needs and goals so the price is very dependent on exactly what you’re trying to achieve. We give you ONLY what you require.
Doing things this way is a large part of why Spa Tru Clinics is your #1 clinic in BC for nuceiva and teosyal fillers, plus in the top 25 in all of Canada.
Teosyal Kiss is the most common filler used for our lip enhancements and our full syringe pricing ranges from $600 to $800, but here’s a breakdown for you:
Full syringe KISS: $700
0.9: $630
0.8: $560
0.7: $490
0.6: $420
0.5: $350
0.4: $300
0.3: (mini) $250
Teosyal® offers the most complete range of 100% non-animal origin resorbable hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler products for a global and personalized treatment of the face.
The Hyaluronic acid maintains hydration over the entire face, including lips, cheeks, forehead, eyes, plus the neck area.

Spa Tru offers a complimentary consultation for injections, so we make sure you know exactly how it all works.
While facial fillers were used for many years to treat specific lines or wrinkles, today’s treatment approach considers the full face to deliver more natural, harmonious results. Our patented technology allows TEOSYAL® to blend with the tissue under the skin to keep you looking like yourself, whether you’re smiling, laughing or frowning.
During your consultation, we will look at your face while it’s still (static) and moving (dynamic) to make sure we give you a natural-looking result, whatever emotion you’re feeling.
One of the most common side effects of dermal fillers is bruising.
Even if you haven’t bruised before, this is something that can and often does happen because of the simple fact that when a small blood vessel gets punctured, it leaks into the soft tissue beneath.
It’s important to understand that anytime an injection is administered to any part of the body, there is a chance of bruising and this is no different for filler/Botox treatments. These tips should help prevent bruising:
Apply Ice during and after treatment
Cold constricts the blood vessels and slows the flow of blood to the injection site which reduces the risk of bruising. If you apply ice to the area prior to your treatment, it will also numb the area and can help with any discomfort.
Avoid blood-thinning medications or supplements
Stop taking aspirin, NSAIDs (e.g., Advil®, Motrin®, naproxen, ibuprofen), and any supplements that also act as mild blood thinners at least two weeks prior to treatment. Common supplements to avoid before treatment include vitamin E, St. John’s Wort, garlic, turmeric, chia seeds, Ginkgo biloba, and flaxseed oil (and other oils high in omega-3 fatty acids).
If you’re not sure, call or email the clinic and we can answer any of your questions.
Do not drink alcohol 24 hrs before or after your treatment
Alcohol causes blood vessels to relax and open so even small amounts (such as 1 ounce of alcohol) can trigger this effect and increase your risk for bruising.
Avoid vigorous exercise for 2 days after treatment
An increased heart rate increases blood flow which can lead to bruising.
Try Arnica before and after treatment
Arnica montana (the Arnica plant) helps to relieve muscle aches, stiffness and bruising. You can find it at almost any natural health store.

.5cc Lip Filler

Russian Lips using the Tenting Technique

.5cc Lip Filler